Billie Coltrane is a police procedurals, forensic, legal, spy and psychological thrillers fiction writer. She writes mystery, crime fiction, thriller, suspense, and drama.
Billie writes in a way to bring out hard hitting ideas and story lines. She has has a love for old films and literature. Some of favorite films are Along Came A Spider, Jason Bourne, Austin Powers, and all the James Bond films (including Sean O'Connery ones). Billie has a detailed way of writing to make sure the tone is set to be for the story. Her style of stories are set in the present where the new wave of crime fiction has landed in what she writes.
Ever since she was little, Billie has embraced loving all types of literature from Sherlock Holmes to watching intense action packed stories that fill the mood and mold. She continues to strive to work on her craft and directs her interests into working new content.