Vickie Fox writes young adult contemporary romance and drama fiction. She writes with the coming of age style where the characters are experiencing through their own adolescence. She likes to blend pop culture and update trends into her works.
She writes with a diversity in her own by looking at all cultures to express their stories. Vickie moves with a fixation to do this to understand the adolescent mind. She is influenced by pop culture, films, TV and music.
Vickie began writing at a young age and wanted to capture magic of feeling the teenage heart in mind. It was important to keep that essence to her because of her belief in the youth. Having grown up in church and being apart of the youth choir, she puts the faithful artwork of representing positive in the minds of the young. Vickie grew up this way with this side of herself to experience a deeper level of showcasing this inside of her own work.
She is undecided when it comes to authors, but will let know there are any.